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- Gold Loan
- Money Transfer
- Mutual Funds

Attention to our Valued Customers
As per our loan policy, Gold loans are being sanctioned for a period of 12 months (unless otherwise specified in the sanction letter) with a base interest rate of 24% p.a. A rebate in interest rate is provided for encouraging timely repayment of interest or closure of the loan on or before the specified tenure as per different slabs built into each scheme.
In terms of the discretion conferred on the Company vide clause No.4 of the terms and conditions of the Gold Loan agreement, the rebate on interest for 1 and 2 months under MDD, MDS, MDC, SBS, TWS, ORS, RSD and MGV schemes has been reduced to 11.10% and 10% respectively w.e.f 01.07.22 and the effective interest rate for one month and two months will stand revised to 12.90% and 14% respectively.
Notice and SMS intimating the above changes have been sent to the customers having outstanding under the above schemes, if anyone has not received the same, please treat this as a prior intimation to them.
- South +91 99469 01212
- North 1800 313 1212